
Kameni Dvori
Nalazimo se na mirnoj lokaciji u konavoskom selu Lovorno svega pola sata udaljenom od Dubrovnika. Naše obiteljsko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo u svom sastavu ima luksuznu rustikalnu vilu s bazenom, vinogradarsku eko kućericu i konobu. Ovdje pripremamo tradicijska jela od domaćih namirnica iz našeg vrta te nudimo izvrsna crna i bijela vina, maslinovo ulje, domaće likere…
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Family Farm Household Glavinja
Obiteljsko gospodarstvo Glavinja se nalazi u Čilipima, okruženo čempresima i maslinicima. U autentičnom okruženju kamene kuće možete kušati različite vrste maslinovog ulja, kojima poseban okus i kvalitetu dalje mediteransko podneblje, posjetiti kameni mlin te uživati u šetnji. Dobro došli!
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Miljas Ltd.
Na korak od Dubrovnika, bisera Jadrana nalaze se Konavle. Između brda, pokraj Jadranskog mora smjestilo se Konavosko polje, a na sredini polja, na južnim padinama Snježnice smjestila se vinarija Miljas, u najstarijoj kući u konavoskom polju iz 1897 god. Tradicija vinarstva u obitelji Miljas je stara preko sto godina, a danas je vodi četvrta generacija koja najnovijom tehnologijom proizvodi…
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Family Farm Household Novaković
The farmhouse is a household maintained by family Novaković. It is located in the village Čiliši (3 km from Cavtat, 17 km from Dubrovnik). It is suitable for organized trips presenting the life in the countryside in the past and present.
When visiting our Country house it is possible to walk along the garden and see the agricultural goods and a barn for livestock,…
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Tourist Site "Mlin"
In the shade of the Ljuta River source the site Đivanović is a unique spot in spectacular scenery. During your pleasant walking tour you will visit our ancient mills built during the time of the famous Dubrovnik Republic and they are still in use. We will present you the production of flour and the stamping-mill where the cloth for our folk costumes was made. The unspoiled nature and the…
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Family Farm Household MARIN VUKOREP
You can tour around our estate to visit a farm of goats. We also offer a comfortable five-bed apartment all year round.
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Family Farm Household Brautović
Seosko domaćinstvo Brautović smješteno je u ambijentalnom kompleksu kuća iz 15. stoljeća zaseoka Brautovići u selu Močići u Konavlima. Obitelj Brautović već se stoljećima bavi proizvodnjom vina i rakija, maslinova ulja, sezonskog povrća i voća. Posjetite našu kušaonu vina, rakija i ulja, u autohtonoj taverni se prepustite okusima tradicionalne kuhinje u kojoj…
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Kušaonica vina OPG N. Bratoš
This family household produces varieties of local liqueurs and wines. Our products contain original aromatic herbs that give them a distinct taste and scent of the Mediterranean. In the wine we make you will discover all delicious flavours that definitely demand the second glass. The tasting room of our farm household is arranged in the ancient cellar of our family house in Gruda.
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Crvik vinogradi i vinarija d.o.o.
The Crvik winery is situated in the green “Paradise of Konavle”, some twenty kms south of Dubrovnik and is an ideal site to explore the wine history of Konavle and old wine masters. The Crvik winemakers use both; traditional vine-growing and wine-making methods and the modern wine-making techniques in creating the excellent wines. This is a family-run business of over…
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OPG Ivo Karaman
The family farm household Karaman will host you in their vineyard in the very traditional way of Konavle region. You can visit our authentic cottage ‘kućerica’ with exhibited regional ancient farm tools and share with us a characteristic charm and atmosphere of the past. Experience the thrill of a walking tour along our vineyard and orchard and learn about our distinct…
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OPG Pero Šiša
The Šiša family lives and works in the sunny village of Mihanići for over 500 years. We invite you to our shaded terrace to taste our complete and refined wine Modrina of the native sort Plavac mali, our traditional local brandy, sugared orange peel sticks, sugar-roasted almonds and to buy our juicy sun-ripened vegetables. Discover the true essence of the region!
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Cadmos Village
Cadmos Village is Adventure Park situated in picturesque Konavle region near village of Komaji hidden in unique oak woods. Set yourself for unforgettable adventure experience which is going to excite your senses. You will have opportunity to try three levels of Adventure Park with four zip lines, 12 meters high giant swing, paintball, archery, slingshot, free climbing, biking and…
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